New tweets, net follower growth, mentions, replies, retweets and followers.
Created by Benchmark Groups, 2 years ago
Number of New Tweets Released during the specified Date Range. No historical data is available from before the initial connection. Twitter does not provide net values for this metric directly via their API. We calculate this metric by subtracting the current value from the previous value to determine net change.
Followers is a Twitter metric that reflects the number of users who have decided to subscribe to a specific account to have access to their posts and updates. It is a reflection of an account's reach and influence on the platform.
Net Followers is a measure of the change in the number of followers over a specific time period, taking into account both new followers gained and followers lost. It provides insight into the overall growth or decline of a Twitter account's audience.
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Following to Followers ratio is a metric that calculates the number of accounts a user is following in comparison to their number of followers. It can indicate the level of engagement and quality of content a user produces. A lower ratio usually means more influence.
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